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Wandsworth Aspergers Carers Group

30-3-2017     6.30-8pm

30th March 2017 – 6:30pm to 8:00pm

‘INASPECTRUM’ Croydon Autism/Aspergers Community

Inaspectrum’s vision is to gather together an inclusive association of people affected by Autism/Aspergers

and have the association members contribute to the world around them,

encouraging  all to realise their abilities, hopes and even dreams.

Come along and hear about Inaspectrum’s group. 

30th March 2017 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at the Carers’ Centre, Wandsworth office


For more information and to sign up for any of our courses and workshops,

please contact Wandsworth Carers’ Centre on 020 8877 1200 or by email

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