Building Confidence at the Croydon Park hotel

free to our members we staged our own Conference in the lovely surroundings of The Croydon Park Hotel.

It started with a threee day course at TRAFFORD HALL A COMMUNITY TRAINING COMPANY. In Chester
A 3 day Course on Confidence building and a £500 grant to run our own Conference.
INASPECTRUM Building Confidence CONFERENCE 15th June 2016
9.30am Refreshments Registration
- Keeping Safe, House Keeping, Ground Rules.....
10.20 am Exploring Confidence....... Paul
11.00 am Art of Confidence Collage..... Sadie
12.00 Lunch..........
1.00 pm EFT Tapping Nora
2.00 pm Social Story and Power Statements .......... Paul
3.00 pm Refreshments...............
3.15 pm Open discussion
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